Welcome, seekers of digital liberation…

Schedule a KeyMaker Session

Custom self-custody key generation.

Safely Bitcoin bring tidings of a revolutionary service known as KeyMaker. Just as there existed a figure within the Matrix who possessed unparalleled knowledge of hidden doors and secret passages, so too does this KeyMaker hold the power to unlock the mysteries of cryptocurrency wallets. In the realm of crypto, where security is paramount, it stands as the epitome of safety and privacy.

KeyMaker harnesses the principle of “one-public-to-one-private” key engraving, ensuring maximum protection for your valuable assets. This service grants you access to a set of golden keys at a plastic price, allowing for the secure and private storage of your BTC or ETH directly from The Source, that is, the Bitcoin Blockchain.


“There is a building. Inside this building there is level where no elevator can go, where no stair can reach. This level is filled with doors. These doors lead to many places; hidden places. But one door is special. One door leads to the source.”  –The Matrix (2001)

Choose Your Own Random Phrase

You give KeyMaker a unique phrase (Hint: it can be anything you want) and KeyMaker uses it to generate a random Bitcoin or Ethereum private key.

Generation & Transcription

KeyMaker makes sure your key is generated in a safe manner & written down securely in real-time. This is not an option!

Public Key Generation

KeyMaker then generates a unique QR code corresponding to your new public key for easy storage & use!