
From choosing the safest wallet application to maximizing the profitability of your crypto, making a decision on secure & trustworthy platforms has never been easier. Reach prosperity with Bitcoin in a quick and simple way with Safely Joining Bitcoin


To professionally onboard the average person to Bitcoin using best practices and secure, high-performing platforms.


To deliver a knowledgeable & trustworthy onboarding experience to people wanting safe control over their crypto assets.

Your Guide to Prosperity

“Occam’s razor” is the idea that the simplest solutions usually yield the best results. Through a mix of education and thoughtful discussion, Safely Joining Bitcoin provides the reader with a simple, actionable strategy for harnessing the disruptive nature of Bitcoin. Using high performance platforms and a simple home economic strategy, the goal is to elucidate the technology for you & show you how to make confident decisions around its implementation in your life or your organization. 

For businesses, Bitcoin is good for reducing the overhead costs of managing paper cash. We show you how to unlock new business models & gain sustainable competitive advantages using Bitcoin while benefitting from a rapid deployment mechanism & a full suite of support services.

For individuals, Bitcoin is the best way to break away from the immoral grip of the legacy banking system and get access to Wallsreet’s finest financial toolboxes. 

Watch your business grow in popularity as bitcoin does!

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Why Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a low-cost, high-value software that goes beyond the privacy protocols of traditional databases. The parties involved control asset movement directly with each other, making it like email for money. From a financial technology perspective, it provides the clearinghouse that all financial actors in the world need to agree on the “financial state of the world”.  Since privacy has become an increasingly important yet underfunded sector of the market, the need for central intermediaries like lawyers, bankers, or accountants to establish the mechanism for privacy and trust can now be outsourced to indifferent actors in a market-driven way. In other words, who owns what, and when that asset was safely transferred to its recipient can be seamlessly managed by The Bitcoin Network. By removing the need for trusted third parties as the gatekeepers and arbiters of truth, privacy & efficiency gains, innovation opportunities, and new value propositions can emerge naturally and in a truly bottom-up, value-driven manner. This is why Bitcoin will gain popularity as time goes on and why investors see it as the next form of “digital gold”.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Safely Joining Bitcoin?

Safely Joining Bitcoin is a 75-page ebook (also available on Kindle) that educates you on how to responsibly manage the highly secure nature of  liquid digital assets like Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum. Crypto is complex and should not be undertaken blindly, alone, or without suitable coaching! The goal is to get you safely introduced to, earning, and using cryptocurrency for practical, everyday purposes. It starts by combining vetted, battle-tested apps with a sound home economic plan.  With SJB, you benefit from having the choice of purchasing our all-encompassing strategy guide (e-book) or taking advantage of a custom in-person experience that fits your schedule.

What services do you offer and what are the rates?

Bitcoin education & onboarding primarily, however, I am knowledgeable on many different types of cryptocurrency projects. I offer different services for different types of users.
Listed below are the current rates:

Initial/One-time Consultation ($49)

Pro Consultation ($499)

What do you specialize in?

I’m a Certified Bitcoin Professional (CBP) and specialize in educating would-be users on the design, scope, and limitations of the Bitcoin network.

My Certification can be viewed here: https://cryptoconsortium.org/lookup?token=056e6f&certification_code=CBP

Do you also teach how to safely use Ethereum?

Yes! The Bitcoin and Ethereum network work in very similar ways. I can explain the most important differences and get you introduced to the expectations behind managing and owning Ethereum. Just ask!

Business Hours

Monday – Friday

09:00 am – 12:00 pm

01:00 pm – 06:00 pm

Saturday – Sunday

Appointments only